Give a one-time, a monthly or an annual donation

Right now, at this very moment, there is a young woman trying to land a job and stay sober at the same time.
With one click, you can introduce her to a mentor who will guide her in times of celebration and of trial.
At this very moment, there is a woman who can't shake the trauma of sexual assault.
With one click, you can welcome her into a leadership program that helps her be as generous with herself as she is with others.
At this very moment, there is a woman who is looking for inspiration, something that picks her up when life has kicked her down.
With one click, you can show her a community of women who have overcome the most daunting of obstacles.
Please donate to EnVision Proven Success today. Your gift empowers women to improve their quality of life. Because We Don’t Look Like What We’ve Been Through.
You see, women transitioning into the workforce face new challenges each day. They have to understand corporate culture. They have to handle their personal finances. They have to summon a sense of confidence that has often been shattered by earlier life experiences.
They must do all of this with little support or guidance.
But your gift will change all that. You can build a community of people learning to network and develop professional skills.
When you donate, you empower another woman to rise above her current situation through mentoring and education.
Your gift means she will meet a mentor. She will gain self-awareness and develop a life plan. She will break free from past hurt. She will develop business and entrepreneurial skills. She will focus on both personal development and self-care.
All free of charge. All because of you.
Make no mistake about it. EPS women are as resilient as they come. But resilience alone won't teach them how to advocate for themselves in the workplace. Resilience alone won't give them the confidence to believe in themselves. Resilience alone won't provide a community of supporters who are ready to help any way they can.
That's why your gift is so important. Your donation gives these women the wings they need to soar.
But the truth is that your gift does so much more.
That's because when you donate, you support the EnVision Proven Success Magazine. Readers from all over the globe will find inspiration from women who have moved forward in a way they thought impossible. They will understand the challenges women from adverse circumstances face. And how these women overcame the adversity in their lives.
All this, with a click of the donate button.
This cause is so important that we have set an ambitious fundraising goal to meet the ever-evolving needs of the EPS family.
Please open your heart and donate today. We don't have a moment to lose.
EnVision Proven Success is a nonprofit recognized by the IRS, and donations may be tax-deductible.
How your donations help!
$2,000 – sponsors 8 featured women in the upcoming edition of the magazine.
$250 to sponsor one featured woman.
$1,700 – helps sponsors the printing of the 2021 magazine.
$750 – sponsors 35 women in EnVision life skills/health and wellness workshop for one year.
$500 – sponsors 20 women in EnVision life skills/health and wellness workshops for one year.
$250 – 2 women in one-on- counseling sessions with a Mentor.
$175 – sponsors 2 women personal care products and or transportation.
___ $ your support in any amount contributes to empowering women in Central Ohio
We would like to thank you for supporting the mission/vision of EnVision Proven Success. You Have the Power to Change a Life. We do not take for granted that the mission of EnVision Proven Success would not be possible without supporters like you.
Again, thank you for supporting the mission of EnVision Proven Success to provide knowledge and resources that empower women to improve their quality of life. We Don't Look Like What We've Been Through, thank you #EPSMAGLAUNCH
Interested in donating goods or services?
We are always willing to accept any of the following in-kind donations:
Hygiene, Household and Toiletry supplies
School supplies
Hair, Beauty and Make-up supplies
Arts and Crafts Supplies
Office Supplies
Water, Snacks and other Food & Beverages
Board Games
Books and Magazines
Gift Certificates for Retail and/or Restaurants
Holiday Gift Items
Movie and/or Amusement Park tickets
Passes for Bowling, roller skating, sporting events, museums or other recreational activities
To make an in-kind donation, please contact our Financial Manager at 614.334.1188 or

EnVision Proven Success is a nonprofit recognized by the IRS and donations may be tax-deductible.